Technical Alert

MIAX Pearl

April 17, 2017 | 10:17 AM

MIAX PEARL - Interface Specification Updates to Support Enhanced Functionality for Post Only Orders (MEO)

MIAX PEARL has published the following updated Interface Specification:
MIAX Express Orders (MEO) – v1.1  
Cancel Notification: Post Only orders will not be canceled upon halt or rejected during PreOpen  (Change pending SEC approval)
Execution Notification: Liquidity Indicator field added   (Optional Change)
Please review the interface specifications for further details.  All specifications are currently available at MIAX PEARL Interface Specifications.

Important Dates:
The above interface updates are available in the MIAX PEARL Firm Test Bed #2 (FTB2) environment 
The implementation date of the above changes will be in early May 2017 and announced via a Regulatory Circular
Please contact MIAX Trading Operations at or (609) 897-7302 to discuss any specific issues and to arrange interface testing.

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